Profile Artis Indonesia Imelda Lubis


Imelda Lubis
Jakarta, October 9, 1978

Imelda Lubis Biography :
Imelda Lubis was born in Jakarta, October 9, 1978 is the actor Indonesia. Women Batak descent is to start early career in the entertainment world as a model. Imelda Lubis has style in front of the camera since I was in elementary school, when she often becomes ad model. Model's career began to increase rapidly since becoming a Cover Girl in 1993. Unfortunately Imelda Lubis did not take advantage of the moment to jump into acting. She instead chose office work. But in 2005, the second of three sons, do not dismiss bid MD Entertainment for the exclusive contract. Imelda Lubis's name was becoming known in the art world when it come into play roles in soap operas Imaginary Pacar Khayalan
Imelda Lubis

Imelda Lubis

Imelda Lubis

Imelda Lubis

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